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Maple Class 2/3


We are very excited for our year ahead, we hope you all are too.


Year 2 - We look forward to building on from the work you did last year, we have high expectations in class 3, but we know you will do your best and work your hardest.


Year 3 - You are now KS2! We have high expectations of you and you will be learning lots of new things including French this year, we know you will also be working your hardest.


Please keep checking class dojo for photo updates and events! 


Mrs Blades & Mrs Pears

‘You are the light of the world, a town on a hill cannot be hidden.’ 


Matthew 5:14 

Details for the year ahead


Mrs Blades: Mon, Tue & Wed


Mrs Pears Thu, Fri


Teaching Assistants: Mrs Poskitt 


PE: Wednesday and Friday 


Spellings: Set every Friday - tested the following week


Additional Homework: Homework Menu


 Home School diaries are checked daily throughout the week - please record when your child has read at home. 

Coming up…

*Please note that whilst subject content will differ to those children in other corresponding year group classes, the skills and concepts children are taught remain the same as their peers, and follow those outlined in the National Curriculum. They may also be covered at different stages within the term.*


- Anglo Saxons 

- Rivers & Canals



- Reading and writing stories with historical settings - Escape from Pompeii

- Reading and writing myths/legends



- Mental Health (Mental Health Week)

- Growing and Changing

- Keeping ourselves safe



- Food

- Collage - Brianna McCarthy 


- Understanding Christianity

Kingdom of God 



Welcome to Pollington - Balne CE VA Primary School, where we believe,' to encounter Jesus is to be invited into ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10): each person is utterly precious.”