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Birch Class 5/6

Welcome to Class Five!


We have an exciting year ahead! 


Our Wider Curriculum topics will inspire our learning, focusing on local history in Autumn Term One, Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece as well as a study Scandinavia and Greece (thinking about the history of the Olympics). 

We also have an exciting residential trip planned in July - where members of year five and six will further develop their resilience, team building and organisational skills. 


This year our PE days are on Tuesday and Friday - Jack taking the Friday session. 

Music during the Autumn term will be taken by Ms Lawrence from the East Riding Music Service. 


Mrs Horrocks, Mrs Burton and Mrs Hartley - Dell support in Class Five throughout the week. 


Please make sure you look out for the high school open evenings coming up in the Autumn term. 


Mrs Foster, Class teacher



Welcome to Pollington - Balne CE VA Primary School, where we believe,' to encounter Jesus is to be invited into ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10): each person is utterly precious.”