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“Read the history books and see – for we were born but yesterday and know so little. But the wisdom of the past will teach you.”

Job 8:8-10

Quotes from pupils:


"You know how Serena Williams is American by her nationality? Well, when you look at her skin colour and hair style you can tell that she has black race. If she had been alive during Ruby Bridges' time people would have been really shocked that a black woman would be able to achieve so many grand slams and when you go back to the poem by Maya Angelou Serena really is the dream of a slave."


(Harrison, Y3)



"The Vikings had similar beliefs to the people in the Shang Dynasty because they both believed in an after-life. But also like some religions today they were polytheistic."


(Samuel, Y3)

 History in the Wider Life of the School


Children have been sharing their learning at home and presenting it in a variety of ways. 



Family Visits

Welcome to Pollington - Balne CE VA Primary School, where we believe,' to encounter Jesus is to be invited into ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10): each person is utterly precious.”