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Absence/Late Procedures



The school has an obligation to provide 190 days of schooling for all pupils, and parents are required to ensure that their children attend school.


In the event of sickness, please inform the school office as soon as possible. If this lasts more than one day the office will need to be informed on each day of absence. 


In the event of exceptional circumstances, please contact the office. The school does not routinely authorise holiday during term time, but will look at individual cases in accordance with East Riding Council policy.


Medical Appointments


Please inform the school office of any medical appointments as soon as possible.


Please provide copies of letters to appointments if they will cause an absence from school to be more than a half day.


In the case of ongoing treatments, and/or protracted hospital stays, the school will be able to provide work (under medical supervision) for pupils. Please speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance.

Lateness to School


The school day starts at 08.50am.


Any pupil arriving after this time will be marked as Late to School (L). This is a present mark until the register officially closes at 08.50am, after which a pupil will be marked as Late After the Registers Close (U). A 'U' mark is classed as an unauthorised absence. Continued late arrival to school may result in a referral to the Education Welfare Service.


Please inform the school of any exceptional circumstances as soon as possible. All cases will be looked at on an individual basis.

Absence from school notification

Please use this form to contact the office in the case of absence, medical appointment or lateness to school

Welcome to Pollington - Balne CE VA Primary School, where we believe,' to encounter Jesus is to be invited into ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10): each person is utterly precious.”